Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Den, then and now

The den was rather difficult to photograph, but here's a taste of what that poor little room had to go through...

Note the disgusting ceiling. It started out with foamboard tiles, under which I also discovered painted wallpaper.

Both were undoubtedly somebody's *cough* clever response to the underlying plaster damage.

I'll never EVER forget pulling down the penultimate tile and discovering the words "f**k you!" scrawled in red ink underneath.

See that last bottom corner of plaster?

Pulling it out yielded much dust, some loose lath, and a bonus pair of men's tighty-whities, plastered right into the dang wall.

Go figure...

All done!


Muskego Jeff said...

You mean not everybody leaves little presents like this during their renovation? I've put messages under tile, but never anything inside the walls. Maybe when I get around to doing my kitchen.... :)

Reetsyburger said...


I really wanted to see that room!

Ranty said...

Jeff, I have never left messages or surprises... but now I'm thinking about it! (I'll leave something nicer than the effenheimer and some de-lasticized drawers, though.)

Reetsyburger: I knowww! This post was totally for you. :-)

And I just have to say that I don't what the blip is going on with blogger formatting. Honest to goodness, I had that text aligned perfectly with the photos, and then I hit publish and it went all screwy.

Aliecat said...

I saw on some show that most carpenters and contractors will leave little messages on the insides of walls or under tile...

Kevin from Minneapolis said...

Those slanted things are popular nowdays, I like them as desks.